•Chelating agents bind to heavy metals, making them nontoxic and allow them to be eliminated in the urine. Measuring intake and output will ensure that kidney function is adequate to handle the lead being excreted. If kidney function is not adequate, chelating agents may lead to nephrotoxicity or kidney damage.
•Lead interferes with red blood cell function by blocking the incorporation of iron into the protoporphyrin compound that makes up the heme portion of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Kidney destruction may also occur,causing excess excretion of amino acids, glucose and phosphates.
•One of the effects of excessive lead levels is encephalopathy. The child has symptoms of lethargy,impulsiveness and learning difficulties.
•It is not necessary to weigh the patient or isolate the patient. The nurse should always check the blood pressure as part of the normal nursing assessment, but this is not a priority before the administration of a chelating agent.