A 6-month-old boy is diagnosed with cryptorchidism. He is scheduled for surgery. What surgical intervention will the nurse prepare the child for to correct the condition?


• Orchiopexy is a surgical procedure for undescended testes. The testicle is manipulated into the scrotum and sutured in place (-pexy refers to surgical fixation).

• Children with cryptorchidism may be given chorionic gonadotropin hormone to stimulate testicular descent, but this therapy is not always successful and surgery may be required.

Incorrect options:

• Orchiectomy is surgery to remove part of a testis due to a malignancy (-ectomy means "surgical removal" or "excision").

• Sclerotherapy is an injection of a drug to decrease the size of blood vessels.

• Meatotomy is a surgical repair of a split penile glans (-otomy means "to cut into").

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