A 70-year-old patient is scheduled for an MRI. The nurse preparing the patient assesses him for any contraindications to the procedure. Which of the following assessment findings would possibly exclude the patient from an MRI?


• Contraindications for an MRI include most pacemakers, cerebral aneurysm clips, and metal implants. However, there are some newer pacemakers (implanted in the year 2011 or later, special MRI-conditional pacemakers) that are compatible with MRI. Additional information about the pacemaker, such as brand and type of pacemaker, would need to be known. Sometimes the representative for the pacemaker company may need to be called to verify safety of the pacemaker in the MRI 

• Most orthopedic implants are also compatible with MRI, but any metal implants or foreign objects (shrapnel, BBs, etc) would need to be identified and the radiologist tech notified of its presence before the scan. Sometimes an x-ray or other investigation is done first to confirm it is safe for the patient to have the MRI 

• Incorrect: Having jewelry does not exclude the patient from MRI. Jewelry must be removed prior to the test 

• Incorrect: Claustrophobia does not exclude a patient from having an MRI. A mild sedative can be given to claustrophobic patients before the start of the MRI 

• Incorrect: Peanut allergies are not an important factor for MRIs

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