After undergoing a surgical resection of the femur due to osteogenic sarcoma, the nurse should immediately:


•After a bone resection, the patient is at risk for circulatory and neurological impairment due to swelling of the tissues. The primary nursing assessment is of the affected extremity for warmth, pulses, capillary refill, sensation, and motor function.

•Surgical resection of an osteogenic sarcoma usually involves the entire bone and joint. The resected bones and joints are replaced with a metal prostheses, an allograft, or some other device.


•Antiemetics should be given if the patient is suffering from nausea, but this is not a priority immediately after a major surgery.

•Pain is expected after surgery but is less critical than the perfusion to the distal extremity.

•Vital signs should be monitored frequently, as ordered by the physician, but perfusion to the distal extremity is more important.

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