One of the primary interventions for promoting and maintaining fluid balance is client teaching. Select all appropriate health teaching a nurse must include in the care plan.


• Maintaining fluid balance with the normal intake of 30-to-60 ml or more of clear fluids hourly, as tolerated, will help decrease nausea and replace electrolytes 

• Illnesses lasting longer than 24 hours can affect fluid balance. Seeking medical advice can help provide immediate and prompt interventions related to fluid and electrolyte replacement

• Clients taking diuretics should be encouraged to drink normally to avoid rebound fluid retention syndrome, where plasma volume drops too low, triggering renin cascade

• Reducing fluid intake as a way of decreasing urinary incontinence in older adults is inappropriate. Bladder irritability can increase with limited fluid intake, leading to uninhibited contractions and altering the neurologic stimulus that controls normal bladder emptying

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