The mother of a 6-year-old girl with congestive heart failure tells the emergency room nurse that she is worried and says "she's been so tired lately. She seems to get out of breath just walking around the house." Which of the following represents an effective nursing intervention to reduce cardiac demands and decrease cardiac workload?


•Scheduling care to provide for uninterrupted periods of sleep reduces cardiac demands and workload.

•Activity increases metabolic and myocardial oxygen demands, further impairing cardiopulmonary tissue perfusion amd compromising cardiac function.

•Developing a consistent plan of care can be important but it is not related to decreasing cardiac demands or workload.

•Provide small frequent meals because eating requires energy expenditure. Small frequent meals prevent overtiring, which can further compromise heart function and also interfere with nutrition.

•Frequent contact and support can help to alleviate anxiety, but too much stimulation can increase anxiety and cardiac workload.

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