The nurse in the ICU is caring for a patient in an induced comatose state. The patient has been in the ICU for 7 days and is receiving total parenteral nutrition therapy. The nurse knows that the risk factors for total parenteral nutrition include which of the following?


•Total parenteral nutrition is a hypertonic solution that has a mixture of glucose, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. The glucose and other nutrients in parenteral nutrition solution can increase bacterial growth which increases a patient's risk of developing sepsis (widespread systemic infection).

  • TPN may cause hyperglycemia, not hypoglycemia.
  • TPN may cause excess fluid volume, but not hypovolemia.
  • TPN is given by intravenous route and has no effect on ability to swallow.

•The risk for sepsis can be reduced by following administration protocols which include changing IV tubing with each new TPN container. TPN solution containers should be changed at least every 24 hours.

•Frequent monitoring of central infusion catheter sites and regular dressing changes of infusion sites should also be done according to hospital policy.

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