The nurse is assessing a patient suspected of having Hodgkin's lymphoma. What is the most common area where the nurse would expect to note lymphadenopathy?


•In Hodgkin's lymphoma, lymphadenopathy is most commonly seen in the cervical nodes (60-80%), followed by the axillary nodes (20%), and the inguinal nodes (20%). Typically, one or more small, rubbery lymph nodes will be seen in the neck.

•Lymphona may be nodal or extranodal. Hodgkin's lymphoma spreads via the lymph channels and is often localized to the mediastinum.

•Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is extranodal and spreads systemically. This feature worsens the patient's prognosis.  Masses are often seen in the cervical region and lymphoid tissue of the Waldeyer ring and in the oropharynx or nasopharynx.

•Incorrect: Mediastinal lymph nodes are not palpable on the physical exam and must be assessed by chest radiography.

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