The nurse is caring for a newborn with hypospadias. To correct this disorder, the nurse will anticipate preoperative care measures for which surgical repair?


• Hypospadias is a urethral defect in which the urethral opening is not at the end of the penis but instead on the ventral aspect of the penis.

• Tubularized urethroplasty is a common surgical technique used to repair hypospadias. Penile foreskin is used as a tubular graft to create a new location for the urethral opening.


• Orchiopexy is a surgical procedure for undescended testes in which they are lowered and sutured into place (-pexy refers to surgical fixation).

• Orchiectomy is surgery to remove part of the testis due to a malignancy (-ectomy refers to surgical removal, excision).

• Sclerotherapy is an injection of a drug to decrease the size of blood vessels.

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