The nurse is caring for a patient with posttraumatic stress disorder. While working with the patient during a flashback, the nurse says:"I know you are scared, but you are in a safe place. Do you see the bed in your room? Do you feel the chair you are sitting on?" The nurse is using which of the following techniques?


•Grounding techniques are helpful to use with a patient who is dissociating or experiencing a flashback. Grounding techniques remind the patient that he or she is in the present and is safe.

•PTSD is characterized by the re-experiencing of an extremely traumatic event, avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, numbing of responsiveness, and persistent increased arousal.

•Distraction involves shifting the patient’s attention and energy to a more neutral topic.

•Reality orientation is when the patient is continuously reminded of their name, the date, and current events.

•Relaxation techniques include guided imagery that involves imagining a safe, enjoyable place to relax.

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